Congratulations to our
2017 Special Olympics Inductee:

Patrick started participating in sports at only 6 years old, and has won over 275 medals in his 26+ years with Special Olympics. He has participated in many sports while attending school through the San Juan Unified School District, where his parents, Steve and Joanie, work. Patrick went to Del Campo high school where he played soccer, football, basketball, ran Track and was Homecoming King. He has been with the basketball program for 17 years and continues to volunteer his time. In his final basketball game, he was able to suit up and made the final shot of the game! Patrick is an exceptional athlete and was honored to represent the USA in Athens, Greece at the World Games, where he won the Gold Medal in Doubles Bowling. It was his birthday, so that made it extra special.
More exceptional than his skills, is Patrick’s attitude and big heart. He not only can he be seen at Del Campo running the scoreboard and clock, or managing the field gate at football games, but he finds the time to volunteer at summer camps. He spends two weeks at the Ronald McDonald Camp and Camp ReCreation. Patrick also volunteers at his church for Kinder Cuddler and is known as the “Baby Whisperer.” He has a job at SaveMart and is known to everyone who shops there. He is always thinking of others; keeping change in his pocket for customers who might be short that day.
Patrick is the perfect ambassador for Special Olympics and speaks at community events and local businesses about SONC. Patrick has 4 siblings and a large support system of family and friends who all love him!

Click HERE for more photos of past inductees and nominees.